Tommy at somewhere.

is he doing all right? (Cheng Chong=Tommy) was the first thing i had in my mind this morning. So i called him by random thought, and he answered the phone fortunately. But he was on work, bit pity. We organized to meet each other somewhere around. Before evening, i went to Book store by the University, and got 2 text books to start preparing for EXAM. I would like to declare what actual EXAM this is about if i could make it in the future. It will be early spring. I have good time to spend for this.
19:00 meeting, dinner, and coffee. He was fine and we talked a lot about everything, our up to date news. We were under same tutor, so we have similar way of thinking and similar struggling at the office. Our aspiration is high. Very high : ) BTW, he hasn't gone back to his country for 3 years. He is very, admirably strong.

Cheng Chonzg=Tommyは元気にしているかなあと、ふと思い立って電話してみたら、日曜日も仕事に出ていた。デッドラインが近くて大変そうだ。夜ご飯どうだい?ときいたらオッケイしてくれた。夕方前に家を出て、大学近くの書店で教科書を2冊購入。本腰を入れてある試験の勉強をしようと決めた。何の試験かはもし合格できたら宣言したいと思う。春先にその試験があるのでそれに向けて頑張ってみようと思う。

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