Weekend: C.Z. and Iris.
I am writing English coz C.Z and Iris would check this blog and say something : ) So today I met both who were my class mates from UCL. They are my rare friends who still stays in UK and work. I called them first by chance and we found time to meet each other. When we were at School, they were just friends but now married and become a family. They designed architectures but also their future in the course,,,, mmm, i envy u guys ; ) Taking the bus for 30 minutes to north-west. C.Z was waiting in front of the bus stop. He hasn't change neither Iris. Many things to talk each other mostly about recent history of ourselves. Iris made nice dumpling and dinner for me which were very delicious. Playing XBOX was something fun for me today too with C.Z. I need to complete HALO3, before HALO4. I left the flat 22-ish and arrived at home 23-ish. Not too far.
UCLで同級のCHENG ZHONGとIRISに会いにいった。かなり久しぶりに彼らと会える事になった。こちらに残っている当時からの数少ない友達の内の2人である。ふ思い立って先週僕の方から電話してみた。そしたらお互い週末に時間がとれたというわけだ。2人は学生当時は結婚していない、C.ZもIRISも僕と同じコースで、そこで出会ってそして結婚した。今は二人暮らし。