Hazy Saturday | さて、どんより土曜日

I departed to a journey to find a bath panel to fit my bathroom but obviously it ended as a failure. But when i came outside of my flat, there was a van which belong to a refurbishing company. The guy was kind to answer my question and kind enough to come up to my bathroom and give me an advice what i should do next. He told me that I can do everything by myself, well that is true really.


In the afternoon, there was 4 guys including me at some cafe in the centre to have a architectural discussion. The discussion started to seek "Failure of Metabolism movement". This was to ensure what was the actual reason of it and what should be the improvement, and what could be the forthcoming movement instead. This last 2 hours which is long. After 2 hours, The discussion never had a silent moment. We just kept talking about it. We think sort of achievement should be reflected to form of competition. After work, we should eat something. Negi ramen and 3 games of snooker.
