Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts my experience|体験談

The weather was much better than i expected. No clouds at all in the sky. 10 in the morning at Liverpool Street Station to Norwich. Arriving at the destination before noon. I took a bus with a day bus ticket to the University Campus. City centre seems to be located on a slightly risen hill where bus surmounted on the way, and residential area. A few people were walking in the enormous campus and was fairly quiet as it was weekend. 15 minutes of walk to Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts which is the purpose of this trip. A very first public architecture designed by Norman Foster in the late 1970's.
想像していた以上に良い天気に恵まれた。朝10時、ロンドンリバプールストリートステーション発。ロンドンオリンピック付近の風景が特に印象的だった。12時前にノーウィッジに到着。駅前からバスに乗って「Univercity / 大学」まで。小高い岡の上の待ちの中心部を通り、住宅地を抜け大学キャンパスへ。週末でキャンパスを歩いている人はまばらでとても静かだった。15分程歩き、ようやく目当てのSainsbury Centre for Visual Artsが見えて来た。ノーマン・フォスターの初めての公共建築だそうだ。

From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster

One of the most breathtaking architecture i have seen was The Lloyd's Building in the Central London designed by Richard Rogers. And this architecture should be listed in my top 3. All important and in a way annoying infrastructure were hidden within the steel truss structure between external cladding and internal louvres which enables complete free space in the middle. In the actual space, Giacometti, Henry Moore, Francis Bacon, Japanese figures made of clay, and Mexican ritual items, all these were treated equally within the space to dismantle any hierarchy among the artifacts. I could not find any snobbish design which deteriorate the quality of simple but strong concept. When I get the basement floor where they sell souvenirs and books, I could see a photo showing Norman Foster and Backy Fuller were taking together which clearly connotes the origin of this design from where this actually came. Space where we find using lesser material to achieve maximum space, All artifacts, all young and old, all men and women were treated equally in the space. Any possible social inequality were to be vanished within the space. Spacial sequence from the entrance to the exhibition was amazingly seamless without any barrier. To be honest, rarely have I seen such a successful architecture which attempted to alter the history of architecture in terms of exhibition space. The mixture of light falling onto the space through the sensitive metal louvre which brings moire to our eye and the artificial spot light were mysterious.

From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster

From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster
From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster

Another cloud of residences designed by Denys Lasdun adjacent to the Centre were also as good as the Museum. As the floor rises, volume set back to create balcony for all students' rooms. This massiveness of concrete immediately reminds me of SOAS in UCL, and ROyal National Theatre in Southbank which are designed by same architects. He is one of the representation of Brutalist. There was a pond in the park and it was surrounded by wetland. Rich natural environment, and the architectures here were cleverly and genuinely designed to co-exist with it which is often difficult to achieve.

隣りに隣接するDenys Lasdunの学生レジデンスもまた良かった。風化具合が良かった。階が上に向かうに連れてボリュームがセットバックし、その部分がバルコニーとして使われている。このゴツゴツ感。一目見て、ロンドンのサウスバンクロイヤルナショナルシアター、UCLのランゲージセンターと同じ建築家だと解る。ブルータリスとの代表格だろう。公園には池があり廻りは湿地帯で囲まれているようだ。非常に自然豊かで、キャンパスとして最高の立地だ。アートセンター並びに学生レジデンスは上手にこの自然環境と調和するように作られていたと思う。

From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster
From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster
From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster
From Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by Norman Foster

Anyway, So, SO, reliable machine D80 is to be honest. It suits to my hand and eye really well, like part of my body. それにしてもD80で撮影すると心地よい。手と目にしっくりとくる。手と目の延長として使えている。けど機能的にはまだまだ使いこなせてないけれども。
