Hidden Pergola|秘密のパーゴラ

Sunday morning, I went to Hamsptead Heath again for something to think about. Broad park still have many places to visit. This time i try to go more deeper in the northern west part of the park. On the way there, without even noticing, the park become kind of natural dense forest and for this i lost the direction. I listened carefully to the sound of the car and tried to recognize where i am. Its not something scary when you lost in the city, but in a forest without any eyemarks, its bit anxious.


How many trees make up a forest? How many houses a city? As the peasant from Poitiers sang,
"La hauter des maisons
empeche de voir la ville,"
or, as the Germanic proverb goes, one cannot see the forest for the trees. Forest and city are two things essentially deep, and depth is fatally condemned to become a surface if it wants to be visible.

And, finally get to the point, "The Hidden Pergola". Pergola, is to sum up, its a kind of wooden structure to help and stimulate plants to grow and spatialize garden. Its is something related to architecture and garden, and its outside but seems bit inside. Ambiguous object. Columns are posted in a sequence which has a small space for plant to grow at the bottom of them. Columns are default setting in this case to varies different way of vegetative extension. Well, Plant and Architecture. This remind me of Japanese exhibition in Venezia Biennale designed by Junya Ishigami. I was contemplating about what is the difference between that and this when i was walking along the Pergola. White box, and furniture and plus.,,, plants. Well, Plants are much more stronger than what they design in terms of visual perception. What does that indication really means in this timing.


Three specific answers against default / デフォルトに対する3つの特殊解

How about Yellow / 黄色だと
にほんブログ村 デザインブログ 建築デザインへ
ONE CLICK PLEASE♪ TOP 4th now! /クリックお願いします☆あとちょっとで3位。