Taking load off|肩の荷を降ろす

Today was the biggest day in 2009 i thought. I have been intensively working on our competition for the end stage. Today was its submission. In the early morning, we spend most of the time on preparing documents and their modifications. After all, we've got a thick documents which includes our proposed design and reports from landscape designer, restaurant art, engineer, technology and environmental consultants which complement our design strongly. It was fascinating plan.


Bringing all files that has more than 1GB to the printing shop to print them out and bind. Shooting VW golf to the place where we had to hand it in. Already there was our boss arriving at the place with other documents for submission. Merging all the documents into one, and submitted. Well, Good job we did.


Kind of heavy burden is gone from my shoulder. In the morning, it was raining and damp out, but in the afternoon the sky become really clear with no clouds around. Best condition for OFF. We did really good job for this. So,,, we decided to have a posh lunch at some good restaurant at Notting hill. 202 to have lunch. There were many options but my colleague recommended me to have fish and chips which was really great with side dish. And this was not enough for us. So just next door, Ottolenghi to have a nice coffee and sweets. 2 coffees and 2 tartes which are really really good for afternoon.

重い肩の荷が降りた。午前中雨で湿っぽかったロンドンは昼を過ぎて晴れ渡り、絶好のオフコンディッションとなった。同僚(といっても僕の先輩なのだが)とお互い頑張ったから美味しい昼ご飯でも食べに行くことにした。VWの新しいゴルフを飛ばして、昼下がりのノッティングヒルへ。伝統的英国デザイナーのニコル・ファーリのレストラン、「202」へ。おいしいよ と同僚に薦められてまさかのフィッシュアンドチップス。付け合わせが良く、非常に美味しかった。まだまだアフタヌーンは終わらない。コーヒー1杯をもとめて少しお隣のOTTOLENGHIへ。所謂デリカテッセンでスイーツから惣菜がプレゼンテーションテーブルに豪華にずらーっと並んでいた。2人でコーヒー2杯とタルト2つ。経費ででるから最高によかった。



And final thing today, was to visit a house which my colleague is engaged for long time. It's already been 3 years since started designing, but it will be completed soon. It was owned by a lighting designer, therefore the architectural concept become "lighting" naturally. I could see the effort of spending 2 years on every design like selection of material, furniture, and details. This house is controlled by a unit of 1.5 mm which is extremely accurate. I could meet client and his new design of lighting. It was simple and beautiful. He designed many lights which are mostly small but in this house, a lighting in a staircase, which is like architecturally embedded lighiting is one of main important scene.


にほんブログ村 デザインブログ 建築デザインへ
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