This is the last updating about the Journey. Last day, 9th. No specific schedule today as well, just hang around, and wait for the flight tonight. Not any clouds were in the sky at all. Lunch was chips and Iberico steak at small restaurant somewhere. There is a slight gap in terms of period of time of having lunch between Spain and Japan. We eat faster than them about a few hours. So, we hardly see people eating in restaurant at this time. But it's convenient situation for us. My soles in my shoes have oddly warped since the rain in Tanger. So, I bought a pair of shoes here. The brand was from Spain and was sale was it was a good deal. Rest of hours, we spend in Starbucks. Yoshi he spent the time for his report and reading. I was sketching the view outside. We have to change the mode of journey to our standard lifestyle soon.

今回の更新でモロッコ・スペインの旅が終わる。最終日9日目。今日の予定も特になし、ぶらっとして、夜の飛行機を待つのみ。ぶらぶらと歩きセビリヤを堪能する。雲一つとない完全な快晴だった。昼ご飯は適当に入ったレストランで、フライドポテトと、イベリコ豚のステーキ。スペイン人の食事と我々の食事の時間帯は基本的にずれている。僕らの感覚の方が2,3時間速い。だから誰もレストランにいない。まあその分ゆっくり出来て良いのだけれど。  タンジェで雨に降られてから、靴のソールが歪んで歩くのが痛い。なので、新しい靴を買った。スペインのブランドだし、それにセールだったし、よい買い物が出来たと思う。  残りの時間はスターバックスでコーヒーを飲みつつ、YOSHIくんは持ってきてほとんどやる時間がなかったレポート等をこなす。僕はスケッチ。2人ともそろそろ旅のモードを終えて、標準の生活に気持ちを切り替えなければならない。

Before the flight, we went to see bull ring and walking along the riverside. And this was the end of the journey. We had a lots of fun here and Morocco. Well, in this situation I remember my teacher saying "The excursion ends when you go back and say I'M HOME to your mother, and close the door." We cannot relax at this moment yet. Anything would happen on way to our home. We took a shuttle bus from the centre of the city to the Airport. Many people were making queue in front of the check-in counter. 1 hour later, chekc-in, and moved on directly to the passport control in front of the boarding gate, remebering the bad situation in Tanger in the harbour. At the very very last,,, this happened.... The trouble about my passport. This time only my passport was doubted to be counterfeit. The officer was checking the brilliant surface of my passport carefully. Yoshi was telling me with his relaxed smile,,, "well, anyway your counterfeit passport is really great quality. My compliment." shit... i feel a great invisible wall between who is accepted and not. "Well, i thought 7 colours, inkjet printer is enough." i reacted like that in Japanese, but if there are any Japanese, they will misunderstand!!! If, this situation last long until the flight nearly takes off, I was thinking to call Japanese Foreign Minister on my phone, at any method. But in good meaning, this was not realized. I passed the control after 30 minutes. People were giving their cold stare at me... Honestly, I was sweaty all over... Well,, i felt relieved.


The night view of Sevilia from the airplane was beautiful. Like the stars we saw in the desert. After 3 hours of flight, we arrived at London. To the centre of London by coach. I stayed at Yoshi's house for this day. In the meanwhile, we have nothing stolen, not injured, not any physical injury. But a little of mental asperision and racial discrimination... hahaha, but that's journey.
