Cybernetics, Ontology, Epistemology, and so on... Since I came here, I squeezed up lots of ideas and theories. So that's why my brain is gonna explode soon. I've never seen architecture through those kinds of different point of views. I would like to get used to the situation but i need time. More time to get used to it. Right now, I'm reading (forced to read) "Berkeley's Immaterialism". It's written in 18th century. Haha, Too difficult for me to understand. But I have to keep moving my hand to draw.
When I draw something diagramatic, he will say "design it". When i design something, he will say "It's not the time to design it yet. Develop an idea". What is complicated is that we have to find something that is not diagramatic but something not like a plastic thing assigned material to it. It should be between those and having a possibility of like butterfly effect that provoke something unpredictable within it. "It's impossible!!" That's impossible. so,,, the method is just keep drawing until we find it accidentally. Recent method, so far.Next week we have final critic for the end of first term. Well, what should i expose to them... The photos are March studio and a part of my project.

サイバネティックス(生物とか機械の制御・通信を研究する学問)、オントロジー存在論)、エピステモロジー(認識論)もろもろ、、こちらにきて沢山の未知な考え方を詰め込んだ。そのお陰で脳みそが爆発しそうだ。こんな学問分野の視点から建築を今まで捉えたことが無かった。新しい事を学ぶために今ここにいるのだが、極端に離れててまだまだ慣れていない。今読んでいる、(読まされている)のは「バークレーの非物質論:Berkeley's immaterialism」というやつ。18世紀に書かれた本である。むずくて「理解」の域に到達できない。理解した上で、なにかつくりたいけど、解らないママ手を動かして作り続けなければならない。