
wake up at 7:30 and finishing 19:00 becoming my routine which means fixed schedule. As long as we have fixed routines, we also have flexible time which you can start to think seriously about how to used the time more useful and better. I started to feel like that. I want to start something. And i want to pour more passion to that part of my life. something is needed but not yet sure about what it is. when I get back to my flat, my flatmate supplied me curry that she cooked today. According to her, she cooked it to make, in a way, scientifically tasty... which sounds bit weird but interesting (hahaha). She said she referred to a recipe so that she put coffee and so on into it as the recipe said. QUITE TASTY honestly it was, somehow deep. BTW, she took some photos in a magazine called PEN and FIGARO when they organized a special edited for London. That's why she know much about good restaurant here.


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