Blown in pieces by palladio | パッラーディオに木っ端みじん

Around 7 in the morning, i woke up without alarm. Unexpectedly. I want to ,,, i mean i had to sleep a lot more on weekend but i couldn't...

After cleaning and washing, i went to binding shop in Green Park. Quite posh place where i can find lots of Japanese traditional paper WASHI:和紙. They can bind books with Japanese paper on the cover. That's really great. I had some conversation about paper with store clerk for while. After that, i went to Palladio exhibition. I was really really expecting something good for this but I came out from the exhibition space not too long after. Honestly, I was not sure what was good about this. I didn't have any exciting feeling of looking at the drawings and models. My view point was not stable, i was looking for one stable view point but finally I couldn't. Today as well,,, the hall was filled with crowded people who enjoys Palladio. There were many people who were queueing for tickets and i sighed several times for this. But I want to ask all of them, " WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" WHAT MAKES YOU SO EXITING ABOUT PALLADIO?" I honestly want to know what are they absorbing from Palladio.

There was definitely a critical discrepancy between the languages utilized in Palladio's architectures and my languages. Order, ornament, craftsmanship and masonry, architect and patron, religion and science, politic and capital, those languages which encircled architectures were not understandable for me. It was lack of my historical view point and classical architectural knowledge, and at same time i couldn't read social necessity and philosophical background. I didn't have ability to bring them all to modern, which is my language. It was my lack strength, this was obvious.

I agree, in a way, if we look at those drawings in terms of optical and geometrical beautifulness , many people will say good, like the mathematician who had done a lecture in Corbusier's exhibition. Like, golden ratio. But i am not interested in like that way of explaining architecture. I don't think I will design architecture with golden ratio. I really like pure mathematic but those application of mathematic on architectural facade or something will never become strong concept of architecture, and it is pity for me if I have to use psychological secondary description like "because people feel comfortable with this shape". Architectural facade has to represent JUST the inevitability of interior space. Otherwise there will not be golden ratio on facade... Additonally,,,,, There were ornament, statues, and decoration on surface of architecture because myth was still alive when Palladio was alive. There are mythical, religious reasons. But when people started to think the world in rational way (scientifically), myth and religion disappeared from the world. And ornament became suddenly a crime. Another reason of emerging kind of unsuitable object on surface of architecture is because of political reason. ( BY THE WAY,,,, My master diploma thesis in japan was about Hans Scharoun: Berlin Philharmony Concert Hall. This architecture had a statue on top of the building which was a Phoenix. I attempted to deepen this architecture from that aspect. And if there exist sort of "modern decoration", I am supposing it will be something DIGITAL. Is it advertisement, or Night scape of enormous city which consists of swarm of artificial lights? Is it digital myth? or icons? that was what i wanted to deepen in Bartlett. Or, I can think that there aren't any of those anymore. There existing NO "Supreme Judge" anymore who reigns people's ideas and values. (Milan Kundera). Thats why i decided to focus on Don Quixote who dismantle and rebuild new icons and myth momentarily. There are only world of imagination by people who gaze on digital screen, and there are as many point of views=architectures. If i can use some metaphor here, i would say it is like a Non-Euclidian Geometry which was discovered by Russian mathematician called Lobachevskiy. On 1829, he already noticed this geometry, in other word "Imaginary Geometry".

Well, the story is deflecting a lot but its all right...
About mathematic, this is seriously mainlined recently by both students and even professionals. When you see there Parametric architectures, it is obvious. If they can understand and impressed by mathematical purity, THEN!!! they should realize what is lost by their distorting translations. But if they can design or write super super fascinating narrative behind that translation like Haruki Murakami does, maybe it will be a CLUE to widen the method. Don't you think, HOTTASHI??? if you are interested in...

Well,,, I should come back to the point. Anyway,,, i was quite depressed by the exhibition. It's not because of the exhibition itself but lack of my knowledge and something more... When I was walking down the stairs with depression, I saw a short film on a display with head phone next to it. Arata Isozaki was talking about Palladio with very simple English in classical-look Library somewhere may be in Italy. And he said " I was student when i first saw Palladio's architecture, and i couldn't understand anything at all." He continued that,,, "And finally after 30 years, I started to know about his architecture but still bit." When I saw this short film, i was honestly relieved. Well i am interested in what kind of new point of view will emerge after some years. Is it something apart from piling up of knowledge? Knowledge of course but if it is something + α, then,,, ,i will face to Palladio again.

I was thinking all of this in Cafe Nero, in Piccadilly Circus. In front of cafe, there are many people who are doing demonstrating march for G20 leader's session on April soon. Some people are twirling flags of Iran, Tibet, some are saying save the poor, save CO2, Do something for employees, and so on...
It seems world is quite messed up like space in digital.... Well,,, in japan i heard that expressway toll will be constantly 1000 yen. I think, everybody will drive cars,,, then what will happen in terms of CO2... Mmm, world is quite Chaotic...

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「Figure of internet at 2005/01 / 2005年1月15日のデータに基づいた「インターネットの姿」」より

「 imaginary geometry is distorted / 想像の幾何学は歪んでいる。」より




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