
Let me talk about Spain later again, it will be the last update for the journey.
Saturday, in the morning, I have done all sort of housekeeping things. and afternoon pop out for fun. I planned to get a flight ticket for the end of the year. And I could find a good return ticket. I mean i pre-booked it, so i can say no before 17th or i can purchase it. It was cheap but good thing was I can take 2 luggages each can be less than 23kg. 46kg in the end which is enough. Anyway, the bad thing is there are no routes to be found between London and Osaka. Please bring the route back. Happy with the tickets I bought a inari-sushi and meron-pan at Japan Centre. Pleasure moment in the Trafalgar square looking at the tourists eating those foods just i bought. Completely fulfilled with the stomach, walking, roaming, hang around quite vast area of London. My steps are leaden in the end.


ALDGATE EAST / アルドゲイトイース