In the morning, I was working on drawings. And the afternoon, for the reason of new project emerging. For me and for the office, this will be enormous project if this go well. At site we used very useful laser devices to measure dimensions. The architecture itself was quite good as well.
After work today, i was clinging closely to laptop display seeking for something. And finally i purchased a bit expensive device. LEICA. LEICA DISTO D2. it sounds like a camera but it isn't. It's a very compact laser tape measure. Since i used this fantastic device this morning, i suddenly decided to buy this if its cheep, and indeed, considering the price and it's function, this was cheep i thought... And i could afford it. I measure in my daily life a lot and its good to have this to measure things as hobbit for architect. I have very useful measurable dimension like,,, palm=210mm, length of stride=800mm, my height=1750mm. Thats basically enought to know what is the dimension in the space around myself. But there are spaces out of these scales. I cannot use tape measure when i am drinking coffee in a nice cafe. So in this case,,, i can bring out very stylish LEICA laser measure from breast pocket of my shirt, and measure the ceiling height in very stylish way. Isn't it cool?? I say this is cool : ).
Well, apart from private, even though I will use this a lot in the office survey.
There's one in the office but it is always absent because someone is using all the time. So i thought I could get for my own. If i have tapemeasure and laser tape measure there's nothing i cannot measure ; )
I am feeling already quite existing and that's why i cannot sleep. i am waiting for the parcel like a child. I am sure I will measure all over London. Maybe it is good to make a topic of blog with this. London Measurement Blog hahaha. " Cafe where i saw a quite cute girl - Ceiling Height= 2589.2mm* PRICELESS (Latte £2 )".
帰宅後パソコンにかじり付き、ネットで久し振りに大きな買い物をした。LEICAを購入した。LEICA DISTO D2。で、これはカメラではない。コンパクトなレーザー測量機器。今日実測した時に使ったあの機器が余りにも高機能で便利でどうしても欲しくなってかったのだった。ヒルティ社の墨出し器もなかなかによいけど、高い。それに私的様にはいらない。この機能性とコンパクト性を考えると大して高くないし、必要だから、思い切って買った。2万円しない。