
English coming back. From Tuesday to Friday I was in Spain. I came back early morning to my flat and had a short sleep. On that day I went out for one day trip with Senpai-s to Canterbury, Whistable, and Herne Bay to eat oysters "which was amazing, but i will write about it later". Sunday and Monday was complete off. I have many things to write about and now sure where to start and what to write about. So i will write about what happened today, just because its about exhibition. Monday, today was bank holiday that everyone should be off. I wanted to have complete off but F invited me to go to the exhibition and i was keen to do that too. 11:00 at V&A "1:1 ARCHITECTS BUILD SMALL SPACES". Luckly today was the last run.

月曜日幸運にも今日はバンクホリデーで休み。完全なオフにしようかと思ったが、事務所のFからお誘いがあって、V&Aのエキシビションにいってきた。「1:1 ARCHITECTS BUILD SMALL SPACES」日本語でいうところの「1:1建築家が建てる小さなスペース」、本日が最終日だったので運良く見られたのだった。

Some 1:1 models I saw. Especially, Fujimori's and Studio Mumbai Architects' were impressive and fun. Book shelf by Rintala Eggertsson Architects was good too. Fujimori's fame is steadily growing. His architecture has fun and without any feeling of tension which is his intention. Our hands and white clothes get black with charred timber cladding, I can feel the smell, light and the dimensions from city of Mumbai. All these tactual aspect of architecture were important that I assume. Looking at architectural objects seriously and think deeply to get to know what is the intention behind the project. This is exhausting. and I was not keen to see these kinds today. I mean even I am not tired, I don't like to see it. Fujimoto's INSIDE / OUTSIDE TREE was unable to touch. I could but the object wanted to keep perfect transparency. Not touching by hands but by eyes. I could say that's more contemporaneous.

いくつかのイチイチの模型をみる。イチイチとは1:1つまり原寸の模型。本物ということだ。その名の通りスモールスペースなので1:1でも小さいのだ。藤森照信のとスタジオムンバイのが印象的だった。ノルウェーのリンタラ・エガートソンの本棚建築もよかった。藤森照信のイギリスでの人気は右肩上がりだ。なんといっても遊び感覚があって楽しい建築、 エレガントさを消失させた不器用を装うデザイン、緊張感を意図的に消したどことなく笑える様な建築であるのがとてもいい。建築に触れ炭で手が黒くなったり、黒いジャージが白くなったり、プラスターの壁からどことなくムンバイの香りや寸法、路地裏に差し込む光が体験できたりする。そういう建築がよかった。シリアスに建築的オブジェを眺めこれは一体何を意味しているのか、、と、、目を凝らして深い思考が必要な建築は、今日は疲れているのでいらない。疲れていなくても、がする。藤本壮介のINSIDE/OUTSIDE TREEは触れてはいけなさそうだった。アクリルを眺めそれが木である事をいろんなtipをもとに知覚する。手で触れずして目で触れる。CONTEMPORANEOUS = 現代的といえば確かにそうだった。

Terunobu Fujimori

Terunobu Fujimori

Studio Mumbai Architects

Studio Mumbai Architects

Sou Fujimoto Architects

After Exhibition i met F's brother J, and their friend another J. J brought his wife S and there tiny little baby. And J's little sister CLR. With these 6 people, we went to a very nice pub near by Nottinghill. Cheep and tasty Thai food. The name was "Churchill Arms". Except me all were Spanish so my story from Spain could entertain them. They are all good people, trustful and fun to be with them.
エキシビションを見終わった後、Fの弟、Jと会い、彼らの友達Jが合流し、Jの奥さんSと6ヶ月のSMLとJの妹、チェロ演奏家を目指す可愛い高校生のCLRが合流、6人でノッティングヒル近くのこれはまたいいパブでタイ料理。このパブの料理は驚く程安く美味しかった。さっそくこのパブはお気に入りに登録した。その名も「CHURCHILL ARMS」。僕以外の5人はスペイン人だったのでスペイン旅行の話はオオウケだった。この人達はとても良い人達だ。信頼できるし、一緒にいて楽しい。夕方皆と別れて町中散策。家の近くで今週の食事の買い物をし、帰宅。仕事に戻る体力を温存しなければならない。