Sicily last night | シシリー最終日

After we left Roofless Chapel very quickly, we separated into 2 groups. One is for somewhere, and ours went to Monreale. Big chapel which has huge interior made of mosaic. It was beautiful to see the landscape from top of the dome. Orange roof and deep green. Volcanic flagstones seems more nicer from this height with glossy car. Next to church, there were a nice garden and corridor which had beautifully decorated pair of columns. each of them were decorated in different ways. Having a rest in front of church with first Gelato. It was macadamia, and i had pistachio as well from one of my colleagues. Tasted good.

Going back to hotel by taxi. This taxi was again, like a F1. The driver was driving the car in opposite way, which is reversed. I don't know the traffic rule in Italy, but in fact, the car was coming front of us, then, driver ran hooting.

When we arrived at hotel, there were many people in front of entrance. We were wondering about it but it was because of famous football team who stayed in our hotel. When we get through a crowd to the entrance lobby, there were several football player hanging around. They were called SS LAZIO from Roma. When I get home to london and researched about the team and players, I remembered some faces shown on display. Mauro Zarate, and so on. Unfortunately, i don't know football player at all.
ホテルに到着すると若い沢山の人がエントランスに群がっていた。何事かと思ったら、どうやら有名サッカクラブが同じホテルに泊まっているらしい。自分の部屋に戻りたいので、どいてくれといってホテル内に入れてもらうと、サッカー選手達が何人もいた。ホテルの外では人が群がり中をのぞき込んでいた。SS LAZIO、SSラツィオというローマを本拠地とするセリアAのチームらしい。家に帰ってネットを検索して、ロビーに座っていた選手などの覚えていた顔と照らし合わせるとどうやらサラテパンデフとか言う選手達のようだった。サッカー知らないので全然知らない。有名なのでしょうか。しかも、自分が泊まっていた部屋の隣部屋だった。僕ら2人以外、同じ廊下の部屋は皆サッカー選手用で、外に出て歩くたびに選手等とばったり。でも知らないのが全く残念。。。

Last night at Sicily. Aperitivo. Had enough alcohol to start dinner. Straight off to the restaurant after that. Pasta was, i think it was, Tagliolini, or Tagliatelle or something like that. And main was Sicilian taste lamb. Both were amazing. The last night was really enjoyable. but they others felt it was not enough to finish, so they disappeared into darkness. I took shower, cool down at my room balcony and sleep.

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