Chiropractic | カイロプラクティック2回目

Even it's beginning of weekday, there are many people in the park. It makes me feel relax and piece to see middle aged people who wears suit, and students playing something. After 18:30, to the Chiropractic passing through Regent Park. This is second time. Firstly showing bit of memo which shows my diet for a week since last time. Doctor was quite satisfied with diet that i had, but recommended me to have something contains more proteins and fibre. Eat more breakfast!! After that using high-tech device to visualize my walking and weight balance. My right leg carries 3% more weigh than the left. This should ideally be equal. The length of my legs were bit more even than last time doctor said. The device analysed features of my foot more specifically. How it carries, and move during walking. Doctor said, "it is difficult to change unconscious or genetic habit, but let's have try!" Well,,, very interesting to know what is next.


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