
Monday started busily. It should be much milder than this... I got tired already... haha. boss asked me to design his kitchen suddenly. i started to think it from 1 to 30 at beginning and at the end of the day, it was 1 to 1. So it's good progress I've done today. He tought me many kind of hinges. One of my favorite was Soss invisible hinge. it shows quite complicate movement but at any rate it looks quite simple. well, anyway i want to say why he works so hard!!! I have to do more than that.
There was a sudden squall, just for 10 minutes around 3 afternoon. And after that it was sunny again without any clouds in the sky. Cherry blossoms were strewed by rain.

月曜日いきなりの激務。お手柔らかにして欲しいんだけどなあ。ボスからこれ頼むといわれ、突然キッチンの設計が始まる。朝は1:30程度のスケールで軽めに考え、帰る真際には1:1で詰めて大体を終わらせた。色んなヒンジの種類を教授してもらった。お気に入りはSOSS invisible hinge。複雑な開閉運動をするけれどもうまく隠され、簡素極まり見た目になっている。それにしても社長は誰よりもよく働く。負けてられない。


にほんブログ村 デザインブログ 建築デザインへ
ONE CLICK PLEASE♪ TOP 4th now! dropped a bit. /クリックお願い致します!