Slept after dinner and | 帰ってきてからすぐ眠ってしまった

This day was a exceptional that I went to sleep after dinner suddenly by chance and when i wake up it was 24:00. Maybe I was exhausted. But I feel refresh now. Refresh enough to sleep back again : ) I got up because a song which was playing by the itune wasn't something i normally listen, but something its covered by complete different instrument like a metallic clank by a metal piece. Acid dream it was.


One of Banksy's latest work by the fishing boy @ camden canal | 釣りをする男の子の絵のすぐ横に、あるこれまたバンクシーの最新作。水面に文字が浸るラインが抜群。「I don't believe in Global Warming」。

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