Packing while sun set | 夕陽を見ながら箱詰め

I like this period of time when evening sun projects the red light and the windows reflect the light in different angle that make me calm. When I see this kind of scenery, i feel that I don't have to design anything special but just some boxes which people can live in. The people make the building interesting after all, that's one fact. Council house, public housing are the ones which I strongly wish to design. I would prefer to suggest public life of people rather than specializing a space for a certain client. But I don't mean that i have a good idea to realize, I just thought about it. Anyway,,, in fact, it will be soon that I have to leave this room. From July 1st, I will see different scenery. Well, but its just adjacent to this room. New flatmate will live in the room where i am living now, and I will move to the room where my flatmate is now living. Even it is just next to my room, I had to put my every little things into several boxed to carry them, especially when they are small fragments. Otherwise, I cannot move anything for a short period of time.


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