Airplane tickets & Cyberdog | 航空券とサイバードッグ

Saturday morning, I was suffering from selecting which airplane tickets to go back to japan for a month for holiday in this summer. Great choices of them all, for Lufthansa and ANA, they had special offer for this summer, which were drastically cheap and good but they limit issuing number of tickets and the deadline which was today... As I expected, tickets were nearly all sold out. But fortunately, i got return tickets for this summer which was bit expensive but affordable.


Well, if nothing bad happens, then, i can have 3 weeks off as I planned. The sun light was harsh glare which i liked very much that makes me feel coming of summer. It was like Japanese summer but without cicadas, White Cube, Exhibition of Tracy Emin I mentioned a few days ago, made me low spirit that opposed to the sun light out there. Not so cheerful exhibition. I had to cerebrate myself to get to the point of those arts that has sadness behind.

これで8月に3週間帰れる。H.I.Sのオフィスからるんるん気分で外へ出るとロンドンの日差しがギラついて、日本の夏の到来であった。ただ蝉の声が足りない。WHITECUBEにてTRACY EMIN展をみて若干憂鬱になった。元気がみなぎる展覧会ではないだろう。

Afternoon, Swimming for an hour. Somehow i didn't feel so much exhaustion and muscle ache that i feel I get used to. I have to continue this for while to ge t more muscles. A cup of coffee after swimming, and Cyberdog in Camden. As you notice from the link below, the clothes they sell are quite cyber punk style. that I cannot wear obviously. But interesting. And at the end of the day, I had Thai food for dinner.

午後おそく1キロ弱を泳ぐ。身体が慣れてきたのか、泳ぎ終わった後の脱力感がなかった。無理に継続しなくとも自然と続きそうである。泳いだ後のコーヒー1杯。そしてカムデンマーケットのサイバードッグ。この店は強烈である。サイバーパンクにはたまらないんだろう、きっと、こういうのは。ここで売っている服は僕はすべて着用できない。リンクをみてもらえれば賛同してもらえるだろう。 夕食はタイ料理を。何を食べるか選ぶのが面倒くさくて、コースを頼んでしまった。でも満足。

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