Fast, already second half | はやい、もう、折り返し
Sudden Skype ringing from my laptop. It was my father. It's unusual to get a ring in weekdays, so I thought it was kind of emergency but it wasn't. "Hey, you must know what day it is today." Well, i know that. I already sent a birthday card with a bit nice gift. I still have sort of hesitation when i hear his voice full of dignity even through the ear phone. Oh at same time, it was National Foundation Day in Japan. British legal holidays are much lesser than I expected that of Japan. Japan has about 15 days such as "National Foundation Day", "Constitution Day", and oppose to that British has 8 days (Probably). British work more than Japan, unexpectedly. Next holiday, will be 10th of April which is beginning day of Easter Holiday. OG,,, No holiday until then, until Easter Holiday. Well, its ok, i can do it.