
I am hitting the sack really late these days which isn't good habit. So Sunday is the day to take these sort of delay back. Nothing special to do. Before evening, one of nicest thing to do to finish off the day. sweating, sweating and sweating. With sweat, feels like all toxic went off from the body. Well, I haven't swim for long time. Because it's getting cold so I don't feel like to go there. From now, I am thinking to start running not sure by machine or street. I don't know yet. From the info from Oxford. a film, "At First Sight" sounds good on BBC iplayer. 2 hours, and was good. It was a love story between an architect woman, and a blind man.
Bask in the afterglow of the film but I had one thing I could not forgot which is happening in my fridge. My original pickled cabbage. Today's dinner was rice, miso soup and cabbage pickels perfect japanese breakfast... not breakfast though. Making pickles almost likely to be one of my hobby, or routine.

金曜日、土曜日も寝るのが遅かったから、日曜日はゆっくりと過ごそうという予定であった。特に何もせず。夕方サウナにいってしっかり汗をかいた。体の毒素が一気に抜けたような感じだ。最近の水泳していないが、どうしたものか。寒くなったのであまり行く気がしないのだ。これからは走ろうかなとか温室的な事を思っている。オクスフォードからのたよりで、おなじみBBCのiplayerでオープン中の「At First Sight」がいいらしい。2時間の映画。なかなかよかった。建築家の女性と盲目の男性との恋愛ストーリーだった。

At First Sight [VHS]

At First Sight [VHS]

Diana Krallのエンディグ。
