
I watched a film again through BBC inlayer was called ''Metropolitan'. Actually I was amazed how many films are being available from the BBC website. Definitely useful. with subtitles. The story is about preppies in New York. Their conversation was really snobbish which include many slangs. What i have learned today are like preppy, the scum of the earth, slut, and even this "pulling the train".
BBC iplayerで映画「Metropolitan」を観た。頻繁に色んな映画がアップされるから実に使える。配信速度も速く、画質も問題ない。きちんと字幕も出る。ニューヨークのお金持ちブルジョアーに属する若いお坊っちゃんたちの話。登場する人物の会話が実にスノビッシュ(上品ぶって鼻につく)だったが、色んなスラングが学べて面白かった。preppyとか、the scum of the earth、極めつけにはpulling the trainとか。

Metropolitan [VHS] [Import]

Metropolitan [VHS] [Import]