Friday, keep working working, and working from 9 to 11 before midnight. Such a working day. I feel no shame about being Japanese, worked as it used to be. I worked so long but relatively my concentration and energy lasted long until the end actually. In the end, we have aligned all the models on top of the table looking at them with m, t, and a. We were all satisfied and finally relieved. Before midnight, my boss came to collect the models to the office. He looked really satisfied and said " fantastic, thank you, really good job". He always say this and even i get extremely exhausted, my mind feels satisfied and I can think that I can do even more better and want to do more next time for him. This is absolutely because of his character. The character of entertaining his staff. His ability to motivate staff is amazing, and this is the thing i need to learn rather than learning how to design or think astutely and keenly. That's what i was thinking eating noodle and tomato at my flat. His way of saying things is also sort of charming and admirable. i want to imitate that actually. Anyway, my chocolate which contains 60 % of cocoa isn't as good as I expected to be. Need bit of sweetness: sugar regrettably.

