Nothing Abnormal Detected | 異常なし

Today rarely was i feeling not good. So i went to Primrose Hill after lunch to have a snap. Feeling bit guilty about being here on Tuesday on such a nice weather. I worked at least on time at the office though i didn't attend the English class. When I was at flat back from office, there was a letter from hospital with result of the blood test and urinalysis. My anxiousness were at maximum but the result showed no problems at all. Well done.

今日は珍しく体調優れず怠かった。なのでプリムローズヒルでランチの後は昼寝をした。寝てて良いのだろうか。と思いつつも暫く休んで仕事に戻りハヤバヤと帰宅。早退した訳ではない。英語のレッスンは今日は休む事にしたのでT 先生にその旨を連絡。フラットに帰ると病院から血液検査と尿検査の結果が戻ってきていた。不安だったけれども、すべて異常なし。よかった何も問題無しで。