
I still feel sort of weird deep fatigue, therefore i decided to have complete off today. Sunday weather was unstable all day, sometimes it shows sunlight from cleft of clouds, but it rains after a while. I stayed at my home, spending reading on novel and thick sociological book partly. Using brain rather than body. I was soliloquizing about what i have learned from the books. Pros of doing this is to memorize what i have just learned and replace the language by mine, and i can recognize what things are not clear for me. Even though, i still have plenty of time to do something. I love this flaccidity.


new room where i am staying. Now its much tidy than before / 新しい部屋。しばらく段ボール他が残っていたがまあまあ片づいた、洗濯物以外は。窓からは東のフォスター・ガーキン、カナリーワーフ、西はロンドンアイ、キングズクロス、センターポイント、ユーストンなどが見渡せる。

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