Flying pollen|花粉が舞う

Sunday, maybe it was because i was walking around all day, my nose tickles and my throat get thirsty often. Oh Shit,,, this must be Swine flu, that was my first impression. I got paled. In U.K. there are about 60 people who were confirmed as Swine flu and travellers around the world are constantly enter and leave. So I cannot say it couldn't be ME. I walked around like Big Ben and so on where most of the tourists' favourite places. So it is possible.


In the morning, i was worrying on my way to office. But coincidentally, some of my colleagues had similar symptom that I had. And they said,,, its because of pollen. Ah,,, I see what it is. Yesterday and today as well, it was really windy here and pollens were flying all around without any restraint. Platanus it is called, or London Plane. Those pollens are enormous, not like powdery ceder pollen. I don't need such big scale pollen anyway...



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