Business trip to Cotswold | コッツウェルズ出張

Long and dense day today was... in the site for the first time. My architecture in the CAD was represented by real material and certain scale by this experience. Early morning at 6, meeting with my boss at Paddington station heading to North West. After the train, we were taking taxi to the site throught beautiful British rural landscape. This was my first time to see the landscape with the speed of car. After 30 minutes of driving, suddenly the architecture appeared in front of us. Super beautiful it was. I spend time on surveying to draw RCP (reflected ceiling plan). Through this experience, I've notice the extraordinary precision of the building, unbelievable masonry technique. It did not allow to use other materials except Cotswold's yellowish limestone. I could see beautiful light coming into the interior space. i could feel it as mediaeval light. Like the light i saw at Abbey du Thoronet in South France long time ago. The light here had similar characteristics. When I noticed the time, already it was dark. Time to take train to London. Arriving at Paddington at 20. Have no energy to cook something for dinner,,, so ,,, Chinese take out nearby my flat.


Bird twittering is comfortable | 鳥のさえずりが心地よい

Its already 5 years since the building was covered with scaffolding | 全体は足場で囲まれてもう5年になる。

Stone architecture is heavy |石の建築はずしりとして重い

This weird space will become very important | この奇妙な空間がとても重要になる。

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