



ところで、以前コミさんに捧げた名刺のデザインが嬉しいことに凸版印刷会社のGLASGOW PRESSにフィーチャーされました。下記リンクを参照どうぞ。掲載にあたってGlasgow Pressより "design rationale" = 設計原理を示してくれと言われたので送付した。以下、design rationaleです。原理なんて大げさなものはないけど。ちなみに文章の校正はオクスフォードのT君です。この場でお礼申し上げたい。

"This design is dedicated to my friend, Yosuke, for his 30th birthday. He has already used his business cards designed by his architectual firm, but the present design represents his humour through a symbolic golden face, yielding a vivid impression within anyone to whom Yosuke will give a card. The Letterpress by Glasgow Press vitalized our design in an elegant and unique fashion; this is the very memorable present for Yosuke. This specially tailored set of cards, we are sure, will be an incentive for a series of creative architectual works in his 30’s."

Glasgow Press