Read Through Swift | スウィフト読破

Monday, good day to start on though it was too too chilly. I already have some events booked on my dairy this week, so its exciting. Yesterday, on Sunday night, I finally finally read through the book Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift from Oxford World's Classics. Enormous number of pages with difficult, old fashioned phrases and terms. But i didn't miss the main story and contents of it. Especially, the fourth country where Gulliver visited at the end of the story, was the most difficult part for me to understand. As people say that Gulliver's travels is for children's book that we see superficially funny and attractive events and things going on, but the essence is hidden behind what is written there, mostly by ironically way. Many of contemporaneous issues were found between the sentences. Even Miyazaki's Laputa couldbe seen here. This is the very original.

月曜日、走り出し順調だ。今週はいくつか予定が入っているので楽しみだ。日曜日、昨日の夜ついにOxford World's ClassicsのJonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travelを読破した。分厚く文字が小さく、それに1735年の英語(だと思うが)はかなり難解だったが大筋理解できたと思う。ガリバーが訪れる4つ目の国、フウイヌム国渡航記が一番難しかった。その他3つの国における渡航記は読みやすかった。日本ではガリバー旅行記は子供の為の物語と言われるが、飛んでもない。現代に通じる政治的議論や科学技術の批判(若干の)など、あらゆる議題が放り込まれている。空飛ぶ島「ラピュータ」だって、第3編に出てくる。はじまりはここにあるのだ。ちなみにラピュータの後に、日本にも訪れている。

From Wiki / WikiよりGulliver Laputa J.J. Grandville