Sunday | 日曜

Sunday, swimming at Swiss Cottage. It's been a while to see Hotta-shi so i called him to swim and he said ok but couldn't find his swimming wear. so he was waiting for me at cafe…Sorry. After swimming, lunch and coffee with H-shi. Directly to T.M's flat. He just came back from Finland and I just said please buy me something from " iittala ", and this was a joke for me but he actually bought me a bowl designed by Alvar Aalto. I have several glasses from " iittala " but they are not designed by Aalto in particular. Thank you very much to Take. And after that, i again said that i want to eat pizza and it became true after a half an hour. And also, I called A-chan unexpectedly and but she was just finished meeting with her friend so she came to have dinner with us. Well, I was too selfish today i think here. Anyway again, good weekend and i am very sleepy now. bye.


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