Last Wednesday was the end of the 2nd term for all the Master course students in UCL. Now we are in Easter Holiday period, we have nearly one month to rest. Except M.Arch, most of the students forced to prepare for their dissertation and the exams forthcoming in beginning of April. Most of the course is ended, in fact. It's good to say that I have submitted the synopsis of my project but still it's true that i am having difficulty with connecting my words with design. Feel uneasy recently. Well, but uneasiness makes nothing, actually...


I cannot sleep recently, because of the impatience and the stress, so that i am updating the diary at this very early morning. Since the Easter Holiday started, I have been meeting many people that i haven't met face to face but through email or Facebook or whatever. Yesterday, we were hanging around Old Street with M in F.O.A and M whom i met in Japan and now looking for job here. The pizza in Story Deli was tasty. I had Anchovy pizza, and latte. It's nearly April, but now London is having snow currently, and it's very cold. Gloomy London. Low temperature, short dark day, no students. Horribly quiet. All is escaped to somewhere south more sunny and bright, where spring is coming. The photo here is basically too exaggerated in terms of darkness, but it's the view from my window... mentally. London is like this now.

常に気が張っていて、寝ようにも寝られないのでこんな夜中に日記を書いている。そう言えば休みに入ってから、新しい出会いが多い。昨日はFOAのMちゃんと仕事探し中のM君とオールドストリート周辺でうろうろしていた。Story Deliのピザ、美味しかった。アンチョビピザとラテ。もうすぐ4月だというのに、ロンドンは雪が降りかなり寒い。最近のロンドンは何時も憂鬱だ。まだまだ気温が低く、日が短くて薄暗く、イースターホリデーで学生はいないし、街はとても静か。皆、寒いロンドンを抜け出して何処かに行ってしまったセイで空っぽになってしまっている。写真は基本的にコントラストあげ過ぎで暗さが大げさなんだけど、僕の部屋からの眺めです、精神的な。今のロンドンはこんな感じです。

I decided to spend Easter Holiday with this dark environment, so i have to be patient. In Japan, it's the season of graduation, cheery blossoms, enrollment ceremony, new beginning. Just feeling envious about it.
