
I was continuously coughing these days. I mean not just days but for couple of weeks. Thats' really bad I suppose. But on Tuesday next week Im' gonna see doctor at GP. I am expecting that he will solve the problem. So with this bad condition, maybe I shouldn't hang out but that's not weekend. So i did. After a heavy squall. Regents Park looks much charming and special than I usually see in the weekdays. Just,,,, its more, juicy. Anyway, I just remembered HTTS and KMYM is joining a architectural competition which i didn't join this time. Just i didn't have enough time when it was started. So i went to AA and helped them for making models. Until late.


At night, we went to eat KOYA at SOHO but in the end we were eating NANDOS. I am eating too much, and relying on this. Now I am sitting in front of the desk relaxing the rest of the day.

夜、うどんをすすろうとこやに出向くが結構並んでいたので、向いのナンドスで食事。ちょっとナンドス食べ過ぎている。22時過ぎ帰宅。イスに座り一息つきながら休憩中。 そういえば最近、興味深い事ががたくさんあったのに、すべてブログに書ききれていない。早めに記録しなければどんどんと色褪せてしまうのに。