Les Beaux de Provence / レ・ボー・デュ・プロヴァス
This was my second visit to Les Beaux de Provence. Hotel was same as before. This hotel was actually dug into rock. It's quite small but nice hotel with at home atmosphere. Room is clean and tidy, well designed, food is good as well. Oh, pool too. We arrived at the hotel around 16:00 and spent rest of the day taking photo, relaxing, swimming and so on. It was disaster when i thought about being in London at the same time tomorrow. Just one day of staying at this hotel was too short to be honest.
Les Beaux de Provenceの訪問は今回が2度目だった。ホテルも同じ。崖を削ってホテルにした小さいアットホームなホテルでとても良いのだ。部屋も良いし食事もおいしい。プールもまたよし。16時頃に到着し、夜迄ゆっくり、写真撮ったり、ベランダに座ったり、泳いだりして過ごした。一泊しかできなかったのが非常に残念だった。明日の今頃は(7月12日には)もうロンドンなのだと思ったら、何だか落ち込んだ。