Slow starter | スロースターター

These days, I was tidying up my thinking including the impression that i got from Hampstead Heath. Well, i think, its time to start. Facing to the blank paper with a pencil on my right hand. i personally love to draw with pen by dots and lines since i was in university. Like, Akira Toriyama, Takehiko Inoue, and Saishi Kishimoto, their manga are consist of overwhelming numbers of lines. Piranesi, his etching as well. It takes long time to draw but worth to do it. Even it is just black, by changing its dense, it enables to represent different colours and materiality. It seems quite analog, but in terms of accumulation of dots, it is so digital. If I think a drawing as a digital scree, dots are the pixels which consists the display. Its a smallest unit. Have you seen the photos by Hiroshi Sugimoto? A series of his photo called Theatre(probably), It represents that too much information projected on the screen could be blank, which is nothing. Too much information is nothing. But i think too much information could be something. Thats my stance when i draw. Even white walls, I draw many lines for show it because actually there is a wall. And i try not to draw the profile of objects. I draw narrow part just next to the profile. Because once i draw the profile with a line, it spoils. Basically theres no such profile exist in reality.


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