Time flies like an arrow week|光陰矢のごとしの週

When I woke up in the morning, I could feel abnormal chill from the window. It was heavily snowing like beginning of the week. Again,, in my head this is bit exciting thing. But when i finished eating my breakfast, it was gone. It just left awful sleety slippery ground... Well, today my boss is off to have 3 days holiday packing up weekends. She left me many things to do, I cannot waste any time. For lunch, I had order-made sandwich from Italian food shop just 3 minutes from the office. I can choose my favourite bread, ham, and cheese or olives. Today i had chibata with parma ham and brie cheese which is very basic but rich taste. In the evening before leaving the office, I had phone call from m to the office. We'll meet tmrw night. half paint of beer with my colleagues at the pub next door. Going back to my flat walking along the canal basking in the afterglow of busy week.


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